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Home : Education


The purpose of the NWC EMSS Education Committee is to review current practices and suggest
alterations to enhance educational processes in order to provide the best possible EMS educational
offerings leading to improved patient care and outcomes.

The Education Committee had its origins as a task force that addressed the (C-2) Continuing
Education policy. This task force first convened in 1997. Interested parties from the group later re-
convened to redesign the EMT-P course to comply with the updated Federal DOT curriculum
The NWC EMSS System places emphasis on educational processes and outcomes. To address
these issues, the Education committee was established in January 1999.

The Committee is co-chaired by a Hospital EMS Educator and a Provider Paramedic member.

Each System hospital and provider agency shall designate one voting representative. Additional
voting members include the EMS System Continuing Education Coordinator and System EMS CE
Educator, the paramedic class lead instructor and the EMT-B class lead instructor, two
representatives of the Provider Chiefs/administrators, and a liaison from the PBPI Committee. If a
committee member is unable to attend a meeting, an alternate from the same agency/committee
may be sent with voting rights.

Interested guests are welcome to attend and contribute when the floor is open to discussion and
debate, but only voting members may decide an issue brought to a vote.

2023 Education Committee Charter   Posted 03/07/2023

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July 02,2024

2024 Education Committee

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May 07,2024

2024 Education Committee

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March 05,2024

2024 Education Committee

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January 02,2024

2024 Education Committee

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November 07,2023

2023 Education Committee

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September 05,2023

2023 Education Committee

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May 02,2023

2023 Education Committee

Agenda | Minutes
March 07,2023

2023 Education Committee

Agenda | Minutes
January 03,2023

Education Committee

Agenda | Minutes
November 01,2022

Education Committee

Agenda | Minutes
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