Rolling Meadows Fireworks includes a cardiac save


At the end of the Rolling Meadows’ Fourth of July fireworks display, an elderly gentleman collapsed in cardiac arrest.  The ALS engine crew was on site and was summoned and immediately went to the patient, while an ambulance was requested to the scene.  The crew began CPR and initiated treatment.  The “pit-crew” approach was observed by hundreds of bystandersin the crowd.  In the words of Police Commander Gadomski who observed this – [He] “had never seen such a remarkable team approach to an EMS scene”.  He said it was like a well orchestrated and choreographed performance.  The patient was revived and transported.  The patient regained consciousness at the hospital and continues to recover.  Congratulations to the crew (pictured) and to Chief Franzgrote, who was present and “served as a human IV pole”, as well as dealing with the family.

Left to right PM's, BC Mike Ahlman, John Loesch Sr, Zachary Wynveen, Stephen Zurek, Lance Neuses, Nichole Junge.
Not pictured Adam Taylor.

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