EZ-IO Informational Memo


In response to questions, and several recent situations, we are issuing the attached EZIO clinical practice alert to emphasize the following:
·         Manual EZIO insertion into an adult tibia is not difficult; I have done it and was surprised just how easy it was.  Humeral insertion, due to less bone density, is even easier.  Please remember to try this if the driver fails.
·         During the field trial we discovered that keeping the drivers in other types of containers contributed to a shortened battery lifespan.  Thus, please store drivers in the appropriate case.  Fortunately the new gen-3 drivers have a trigger cap and do not require a case.
·         The needle packaging has changed.  It is much larger (because it contains needle, wristband, connecting tubing, needle cushion) and no longer fits in the black case - unless the case is modified; then you can get all 3 sizes to fit inside.
·         We discovered confusion regarding the purpose of the black lines on the needle.  Hopefully, this will clarify their purpose and the procedure for insertion.
·         Several providers already purchased new drivers.  There are both advantages (trigger guard, small size, low battery light) and disadvantages (less insertions) to the gen-3 driver.
Please distribute this document to all of your PM’s and let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Diana Neubecker RN BSN PM
NWC EMS System In-Field Coordinator


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