New SOP is Live. Here are links.


As a guide, here are where the updated documents may be located.  We have also included links to the documents within this article.

The Standards of Practice tab, found on the top left side of the Home page will have the following documents easily found:
Standard Operating Procedures;
The supporting Changes and Rationale document;
The Updated Drug & Supply List for Ambulances;
and the Updated Procedure Manual

You can either click on the Standards of Practice Tab, or scroll down the Drop Down List that appears if you hover over the words, to find what you are looking for.

The System Memos, also found on the
Standards of Practice tab, or on that drop down list will have the current, and past, System Memos.

The updated System Directory and Organization Chart can be found under the
About us tab on the top left of the Home Page.  Again, you can click on the tab, or hover over it for a Drop Down List.

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NWC EMSS | Northwest Community Hospital | CSM Building, Suite 5400 | 800 W. Central | Arlington Heights, IL 60005